T-SQL for Data Analysts (Basic + Advanced) (English)
In the training "T-SQL for data analysts (basic + advanced)" we cover T-SQL, the query and design language for Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics. We focus on making analyzes in SQL, and preparing, linking and enriching datasets for use within other analysis tools. From the broad experience of data analysis, the trainer shares examples, and has numerous "puzzles" ready that help to really understand SQL better. We conclude with the very powerful concepts of windowing , ranking , subqueries and CTEs . As a data analyst you can efficiently perform and solve all kinds of analyzes with this.
This training consists of two separate parts, which can also be followed independently of each other:

This course is aimed at data analysts, data engineers and data scientists who want to support their work by leveraging the power of SQL for advanced data analytics.
After this two-day training you will be able to:
- Use SQL Server query tools (Azure Data Studio, SQL Server Management Studio)
- Write SELECT statements to retrieve columns from one or more tables
- Join tables using JOIN statements (and really understand what's happening)
- Sort and filter data
- Use built-in SQL functions to analyze data
- Grouping and aggregating (summarizing) datasets
- Modify data with T-SQL, using INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE
- Structuring complex SQL queries with Common Table Expressions
- Smart sorting and using Windowing and Ranking functions
- Transform datasets using Pivot and Unpivot
No specific prior knowledge is required for the training "T-SQL for data analysts (DP-080)". Do you doubt your prior knowledge? Then please contact us!
Course outline
- Introducing TSQL
- Using the SELECT statement
- Sort, Filter with WHERE, unique values and the TOP clause
- Really understand JOIN: INNER, OUTER and CROSS
- Sub queries
- Advanced subqueries
- Functions
- Aggregate (SUM, MIN, MAX) and GROUP BY
- Filter with HAVING
- Adjustments with INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
- Adjustments with MERGE
- Automatic values with IDENTITY and SEQUENCE
- Table Expressions
- Sub queries
- Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
- ranking functions
- Window functions
- Pivot and Unpivot
Course material
In the training "T-SQL for data analysts" we use the official DP-080 (DP-080T00-A) Microsoft material in the first two days. We expand this with material, exercises and puzzles that we have developed ourselves at Wortell Smart Learning. We make sure that you receive all the necessary material on time.
Available dates
There are currently no scheduled dates available. Please contact us for options.