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Power BI Fundamentals: Reporting and Data Analysis

€ 1.299,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht


In this "Power BI Fundamentals" basic training, we'll spend two days covering various aspects of data analysis with Power BI. You'll learn everything necessary for analyzing data in Power BI: from accessing and profiling data to sharing insights and conducting advanced analyses.

Prerequisites for the "Power BI Fundamentals" Training

No specific prior knowledge is needed to start with Power BI. However, a feel for data and data analysis is necessary, as the goal of using Power BI is to apply data analysis within your organization. Participants should know how they will use data analysis in their daily work. Finally, access to Power BI Desktop on their own work laptop and a Power BI Pro account within their organization are required.


The "Power BI Fundamentals" training covers the following topics:

  • Introduction
    • Power BI Architecture
    • Data Warehousing: Tables, Star Schemas
  • Data Preparation
    • Data Access from Various Sources
    • Cleaning and ETL
    • Loading Data with Power Query
    • Automatically Reading Multiple Excel Sheets from a Folder
  • Data Visualization
    • Creating Reports
    • Enriching Reports with Advanced Features
    • Adding Filters: Visual, Page, or Report
    • Interactive Reports
    • KPI Dashboard: Actuals vs Targets
  • Modeling and Analyzing
    • Creating a Data Model (Star Schemas): One-to-Many, Many-to-Many Relationships
    • Creating a Date Table
    • DAX Formulas
    • Difference Between Row Context and Filter Context
    • Enriching Reports to Unlock Insights
    • Measures: SUM, AVERAGE + COUNT
  • Publishing Reports to the Power BI Portal

Study Material

In the training Power BI Fundamentals: Reporting and Data Analysis, we use material that we have developed ourselves at Wortell Smart Learning. We ensure that you receive all the necessary material in time.

Available dates

Starts at
Ends at
Price (ex. VAT)
Price (inc. VAT)
Starts at:
Ends at:
Location: Utrecht
Price (ex. VAT): € 1.299,-
Price (inc. VAT): € 1.571,79
Starts at:
Ends at:
Location: Utrecht
Price (ex. VAT): € 1.299,-
Price (inc. VAT): € 1.571,79

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