Dimensional Modeling (Advanced) (English)
When you use the Dimensional Model to "shape" your data in your Data Warehouse or BI software, sooner or later you get to the point where you wonder what the right way to solve something is. For example, how do you deal with lead times of processes? Or with an organizational structure that you want to "capture" in a dimension, but does not have the same shape everywhere?
This training is aimed at taking this one step further. By studying nine concrete problems and cases, you as a participant learn to recognize the patterns for common analysis issues in organizations. In 1.5 days (one full day followed by one part of the day) we treat these nine cases in a way that keeps theory and practice very close together:
- Analyzing a problem and/or question
- Experience for yourself why a "standard" solution is not sufficient
- Get solution pattern explained and demonstration how this works
- Applying the new pattern in a case
- Create a link to your own organizational issues
In this 1.5 day training there is also a lot of room for bringing your own cases.

The Advanced Dimensional Modeling training is suitable for designers, developers and analysts who are familiar with the Dimensional Model, but who want to be able to answer more complex analysis issues properly. The training is also very valuable for Power BI users.
At the end of this training:
- Recognize common patterns and solutions in data modelling
- Date and time analytics
- Business processes without "facts"
- Header-detail relationships
- Multiple fact tables
- Keep history of attributes in dimensions
- aggregates
- Work with multiple currencies and exchange rates
- Many-to-many relationships
- Parent-child hierarchies
- Can you apply these patterns yourself in a case?
Prerequisites to follow the Advanced Dimensional Modeling training
To be able to follow the Advanced Dimensional Modeling training, it is important that you understand the Dimensional Model well and that you also work with it. In the Dimensional Modeling training, this fundamental knowledge is not only discussed, but also extensively practiced with case studies.
Course outline
In the training "Advanced Dimensional Modeling" we cover the following topics:
- Basic Concepts of Dimensional Modeling
- Working with history and Slowly Changing Dimensions
- Multiple fact tables
- Factless facts
- Header-detail relationships
- Advanced concepts
- Date and time analyzes (throughput times, etc.)
- Aggregate Tables
- Parent-Child hierarchies
- Exchange rates
- Surveys
Study material
In the Dimensional Modeling training we use material that we have developed ourselves at Wortell Smart Learning. We make sure that you receive all the necessary material on time.Available dates
Title | Date |
Dimensioneel Modelleren (Advanced) dag 1 |
Title | Date |
Dimensional Modeling (Advanced) (English) (EN) day 1 |